
முறைப்பாட்டு பரிந்துரைகள்

Recommendations Issued in (සිංහල) 2024

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/617/22 (සිංහල) බී.වී.එල්.සී.බෙනරගම එදිරිව සභාපති -  ශ්‍රී ලංකා රාජ්‍ය වැවිලි සංස්ථාව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/SUO/MOTU/03/24 (සිංහල) අඔවලගේ කීර්තිරත්න සිල්වා වින්ඳිත පාර්ශවය වගඋත්තර පර්ශවය ස්ථානාධිපති(වෙනුවට) ඩබ්ලිව්. ජී.එස්.එල්. දිවිසේකර, පොලිස් සැරයන් 61189 පි.එම්. ඒ.කේ. රත්නායක පොලිස් සැරයන් 53685 එම්. හේවනායක සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 55985 ඩී.ඒ.සි නොයෙල් (උපසේවක) - මුලස්ථාන පොලිසිය ගලකිස්ස பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/ANU/603/2023(A) (සිංහල) ආර්.ජී.එම්.ඉසුරු කුමාර මයා (ආර්.ජී. ඉසලි ෂෙලීනා වෙනුවෙන්) එදිරිව. යූ.ඒ. ප්‍රියංගනී ජයතිලක මිය - උපගුරු සහ ඩී.යූ. උපාලි දිසානායක විදුහල්පති - පො/තෝපාවැව ජාතික පාසල - පොළොන්නරුව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/3394/24 (සිංහල) එම්.කේ.නිලන්ති මේනකා මිය එදිරිව. කේ.ඒ.ඒ. විජේරත්න මිය - ගුරුසේවය, පී.එම්. සිංහබාහු - විදුහල්පති - බප./කළු/නෑහින්න ප්‍රාථමික විද්‍යාලය දොඩංගොඩ සහ ඒ.යූ. වික්‍රමාරච්චි - කලාප අධ්‍යාපන අධ්‍යක්ෂ-කළුතර කලාප අධ්‍යාපන කාර්යාලය, පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක කේ.ඒ.බී.පී. සිරිවර්ධන ස්ථානාධිපති දොඩංගොඩ පොලිස් ස්ථානය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/2288/19 (සිංහල) කේ.එන්.පී.සී. කරුණානායක මයා (වින්දිත පාර්ශවය කේ.එන්. රොෂාන් චන්දිම කරුණානායක) එදිරිව ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක කේ.ඒ.පී. පෙරේරා ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය කහවත්ත (වර්තමාන සේවා ස්ථානය සහකාර පොලිස් අධිකාරි සබරගමු පලාත් පොලිස් සංචාරක කොට්ඨාශය ඌව පලාත් පොලිස් අධිකාරි කාර්යාලය රත්නපුරය) සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 45001 ආර්.ජී.විජේසේකර පොලිස් ස්ථානය කහවත්ත. (වර්තමාන සේවා ස්ථානය - උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක - තංගල්ල කොට්ඨාශය) பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/JA/077/2021 (සිංහල) වී.දනූෂා‚වී.සාම් (ශිෂ්‍ය) එදිරිව සන්ජිකා බාලසුබ්‍රමනියම්‚ ගුරුවරයා සහ පූජ්‍ය ඇන්ටන් අමලදාස්-විදුහල්පති - යා/ශාන්ත අන්තෝනි විදුහල කයිට්ස්. பதிவிறக்க பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/JA/238/2022 (සිංහල) කේ. පුවනේන්දිරා මයා එදිරිව විපුලන් මයා සහ සසිදරන් මයා ගුරුවරු - යා/යාපනය හින්දු විද්‍යාලය‚ විදුහල්පති -යා/යාපනය හින්දු විද්‍යාලය. பதிவிறக்க பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/4519/23, HRC/5206/23 (සිංහල) අයි.ඩී. සුරේෂ් ලක්මාල් සෙනෙවිරත්න එදිරිව කාන්තා උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ජේ.එම්. ජානකී රසාදරී- පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල, පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ටී.සී. අසංක රාජකරුණා - ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 41132 ජයන්ත ගුණසේකර- ස්ථානාධිපති විවිධ පැමිණිලි අංශය, උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ඒ.එස්.චන්දන - ස්ථානාධිපති අපරාධ අංශය පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/PTM/SUO-MOTU-48-24 (සිංහල) ඒ.එම්.ශෙහාන්, ඩබ්.ඒ.රවිහංස ලක්මාල් සහ ඒ.ඒ.ඩී. සසිදු නිම්සර එදිරිව උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක චන්ද්‍රසේකර,පොලිස් කොස්තාපල්අබේකෝන් සහ ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ඊ.ඒ.ඩී. දමින්ද සෝමජිත් - ස්ථානාධීපති ආරච්චිකට්ටුව පොලිස් ස්ථානය பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/2415/20/I(vi) (සිංහල) එස්. එච්. ඒ. සඳරුවන් ප්‍රනාන්දු (වින්දීත පාර්ශවය) එදිරිව පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 77017 එල්. ඩබ්ලිව්. පී. පුෂ්පකුමාර - පොලිස් ස්ථානය කළුතර උතුර பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/3024/16 (සිංහල) කේ.එම්. තිලකරත්න එදිරිව ඩී.එන්.බි.එන්. ප්‍රියන්ත වන සත්ව අඩවි සහකාර, කේ.එම්.සි.එන්.එස්.කේ. ගුණසේකර වනජීවී ක්ෂේත්‍ර සහකාර සහ සිවිල් ආරක්ෂක භට එච්.ජී.දයාවංශ - වනජීවි සංරක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව අම්පාර. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/KND/53/23 (සිංහල) සී.ඒ.පී.ගුණවර්ධන - වින්ඳිත පාර්ශවය වෙනුවෙන් කේ. ජි. ආර්. එස්. ප්‍රියදර්ශන එදිරිව ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක නලින්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 101299 සඳරුවන්,පොලිස් සැරයන් 101306 හේමචන්ද්‍ර, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් රියදුරු 103053 චතුරංග, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 96552 මදුමදන්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 103550 ප්‍රියලාල්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 45964 සුමිත්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 1013053 වික්‍රමසිංහ සහ ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක රිවිරත්න තෙල්දෙණිය පොලිස් ස්ථානය, තෙල්දෙණිය මුලස්ථාන පොලිස් පරික්ෂක සේනාධිපති. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/SUO/MOTU/22/23 (සිංහල) එච්.එම.එස්.සී.බී හේරත්, එම්.ඩී.යු. ගුණතිලක, ආර්.බි.අයි. ලක්ෂිත සහ එන්.එස්.කේ නාගහවත්ත එදිරිව පී.ඒ.පී.අයි.එස්. කුමාර - බන්ධනාගාර නියමක, ආර්.ඒ.ඩී.එස්. රාමනායක - දෙවන පෙළ ජේලර් සහ S ඩබ්.ඩබ්.කේ. ඩෙප් - බන්ධාගාර අධිකාරී - තරුණ වරදකරුවන්ගේ අභ්‍යාස විද්‍යාලය හා එළිමහන් වැඩ කඳවුර ශ්‍රී ලංකා බන්ධනාගාරය වටරැක. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/3024/16 (සිංහල) ටී සංජය එදිරිව උපපොලිස් පරීක්ෂක තුසිත සිල්වා පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් රියදුරු 38478 ලංකාතිලක, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 51512 සමන් හා 343 පොලිස් ආරක්ෂක සහායක රෝහණ ප්‍රේමකුමාර - දොඩංගොඩ පොලිස් ස්ථානය பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/3480/22 (සිංහල) එම්.ජී.ටී.ඩී.මැදවත්ත මහතා එදිරිව පොලිස් පරික්ෂක ආලෝක ස්ථානාධිපති විවිධ පැමිණිලි අංශය අලුත්ගම පොලිස් ස්ථානය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/792/24 (සිංහල) අචලා සෙනෙවිරත්න මෙය එදිරිව ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක චින්තක අනුරාධ ස්ථානාධිපති වැලිකඩ පොලිස් ස්ථානය සහ පොලිස්පති - ශ්‍රී ලංකා පොලිසිය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/MTR/259/21/ N (සිංහල) එන්.ඩබ්.ආර්. ගුණරත්න මයා එදිරිව යුධ හමුදාපති - ශ්‍රී ලංකා යුධ හමුදාව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/ANU/05/2022(S) (සිංහල) ආර්.එම්.පී රුවන් චින්තක රණසිංහ එදිරිව ආර්.එම්.‍ජේ. රාජපක්ෂ ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක, උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක එච්.එම්.කේ. ඉන්දික හේරත්, පොලිස් සැරයන් එස්.එම්.තිස්ස බණ්ඩාර සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් එම්.පී. ලංකාතිලක ජයවර්ධන - මුලස්ථාන පොලිසිය මහව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/TRM/25/2023 (සිංහල) එන්.එෆ්. රිෆාසා එදිරිව ලේකම් – රාජ්‍ය පරිපාලන ස්වදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්‍යාංශය,පළාත් සභා සහ පළාත් පාලන අමාත්‍යාංශය பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/ANU/60/2023 (සිංහල) ඒ.එම්.එස්.කේ කුමාර එදිරිව ටී.එම්.ඩබ්ලිව්.එන්. තෙන්නකෝන් පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක (විශ්‍රාමික) සහ ප්‍රසන්න වැලිකල ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය කැකිරාව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/2603/23, HRC/2153/23, HRC/2154/23 (සිංහල) ඊ.ඒ.එන්.එච්.එදිරිසුරිය, ඊ.ඒ.ජේ. නතාෂා එදිරිසුරිය එදිරිව ජේෂ්ඨ පොලිස් අධීකාරී ලකී රන්දෙණිය හිටපු අධ්‍යක්ෂක සහකාර අපරාධ පරීක්ෂන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, පොලිස් අධිකාරී චන්දිමා අරුමප්පෙරුම සහ උපපොලිස් පරීක්ෂක එස්.එම්.යු සුභසිංහ - අන්තර්ජාල අවේක්ෂණ හා බුද්ධි ඒකකය පරිගණක අපරාධ කොට්ඨාශය අපරාධ පරීක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, පාලක ජනරාල් - ආගමන විගමන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව.
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/4985/23 (සිංහල) ඩී.පී.එන්.තනුජා අනන්ද එදිරිව විදුහල්පතිනිය - ගෝතමී බාලිකා විද්‍යාලය කොළඔ 10 பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/MTR/SUO/MTU/03/24/M, HRC/MTR/200/24/M, HRC/HO/2554/24 (සිංහල) එච්.ඒ. චන්ද්‍රිකා (පැමිණිලි පාර්ශවය) වදුල් ලක්විද ජයසිංහ (ශිෂ්‍යයා) අගතියටපත් පාර්ශවය එදිරිව සමිත කුරුකුලසූරිය මිය - විදුහල්පති රාහුල විද්‍යාලය මාතර, ලේකම් - අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යංශය සහ විභාග කොමසාරිස් ජනරාල් - විභාග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/2046/23 (සිංහල) කේ.ඒ. රුවන් කුමාර එදිරිව පොලිස් සැරයන් 68770 එස්.පි. ඩී. ගැමුණු කුමාර සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 67870 - කොට්ඨාශ රථවාහන අංශය පොලිස් ස්ථානය පානදුර, ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය මොරොන්තුඩුව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/2573/23 (සිංහල) ජී.ඩී.කේ. විතාන, ඊ.එච්.සි.එස්.ජයසුරිය සහ ඩබ්.එස්. හල්ලලුව එදිරිව විදුහල්පතිනිය - සිරිමාවෝ බණ්ඩාරනායක විද්‍යාලය කොළඹ. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/2679/24 (සිංහල) බිම්ෂානි ජාසිංහආරච්චි එදිරිව නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති - මානව සම්පත් දිසාවභාර, ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති පරිපාලන සහ පොලිස්පති - පොලිස් මුලස්ථානය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/786/24 (සිංහල) ආදිවාසි නායක වන්නිලා ඇත්තෝ වින්ඳිත පාර්ශවය වෙනුවෙන් තලාවරිගේ පුංචි බන්ඩා වින්දිත පාර්ශවය එදිරිව එච්. ජි. සමන් ප්‍රියදර්ශන - සහකාර බන්ධනාගාර අධිකාරී සහ විතානගේ ප්‍රේමසිරි බන්ධනාගාරයේ ප්‍රධාන ජේලර් - බන්ධනාගාර දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව මොණරාගල பதிவிறக்க
HRC/2302/11 (සිංහල) ඩබ්.ඒ. ජයවර්ධන එදිරිව අධ්‍යාපන ලේකම් බස්නාහිර පළාත් අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යංශය සහ කලාප අධ්‍යාපන අධ්‍යක්ෂක - කලාප අධ්‍යාපන කාර්යාලය කොළඹ. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/KND/53/23 (සිංහල) සී.ඒ.පී.ගුණවර්ධන - වින්ඳිත පාර්ශවය වෙනුවෙන් කේ ජි ආර් එස් ප්‍රියදර්ශන එදිරිව ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක නලින්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 101299 සදරුවන්,පොලිස් සැරයන් 101306 හේමචන්ද්‍ර, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් රියදුරු 103053 චතුරංග, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 96552 මදුමදන්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 103550 ප්‍රියලාල්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 45964 සුමිත්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 1013053 වික්‍රමසිංහ සහ ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක රිවිරත්න තෙල්දෙණිය පොලිස් ස්ථානය, තෙල්දෙණිය මුලස්ථාන පොලිස් පරික්ෂක සේනාධිපති. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/1403/24 (සිංහල) ඩී. ජී.ලොකුබාලසුරිය එදිරිව විදුහල්පතිනි - ක්‍රිස්තුදේව බාලිකා විද්‍යාලය ගාල්ල பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/128/19 (සිංහල) ඩී. ඩී. සී. මලවිපතිරණ එදිරිව විදුහල්පති - රාජකීය විද්‍යාලය කොළඔ සහ අධ්‍යක්ෂ (ජාතික පාසල්) අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යාංශය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/607/24, HRC/HO/797/24, HRC/HO/798/24 (සිංහල) එම්. පත්බේරිය ඇතුළු දෙවන හා තුන්වන පැමිණීලිකරුවන්, එන්.එස්. තෙන්නකෝන් ඇතුළු පස්වන හයවන හත්වන හා අටවන පැමිණීලිකරුවන් සහ ඒ. සිරිවර්ධන එදිරිව විදුහල්පති - රාජකීය විද්‍යාලය කොළඔ 07 සහ - අධ්‍යක්ෂ ජාතික පාසල් - අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යාශය. பதிவிறக்க
HRC/HO/2865/21 and HRC/HO/2706/21 (සිංහල) එස්. ආරියදාස සහ එම්.එල්.එස්.වී. චාමලී (වින්දිත පාර්ශවය වෙනුවෙන්) වින්දිත පාර්ශවය එම්.එල්. ලසන්ත එදිරිව ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක සනත්, උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක සුජිත් සිල්වා, උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක නුවන්, පොලිස් සැරයන් 37109 රත්නායක, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 36218 කිත්සිරි, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 79431 ප්‍රියන්ත, පොලිස් සැරයන් 60015 තඹවිටගේ දොන් දිමුත් ඉන්දික, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් චතුර ප්‍රියසාද් - කොට්ඨාශ අපරාධ විමර්ශන ඒකකය කළුතර සහ ජේෂ්ඨ පොලිස් S අධිකාරී කපිල ප්‍රේමදාස ජේෂ්ඨ පොලිස් අධිකාරී කාර්යාලය කළුතර, පොලිස්පති - ශ්‍රීලංකා පොලිසිය பதிவிறக்க
HRC/HO/4764/2 3 (සිංහල) ඩබ්ලිව්. හේවාරුප්පගේ එදිරිව වන සංරක්ෂණ අධ්‍යක්ෂක ජනරාල් - වන සංරක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව සහ විශ්‍රාම වැටුප් අධ්‍යක්ෂක ජනරාල් - විශ්‍රම වැටුප් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව. பதிவிறக்க
HRC/2732/21 (සිංහල) යු.කේ.යු.එස්.කුමාර එදිරිව සාමාන්‍යාධිකාරී - සිලෝන් පෙට්‍රෝලියම් ස්ටෝරේජ් ටර්මින්ල්ස් ලිමිඩට් නිමාව කොලොන්නාව. பதிவிறக்க
HRC/1936/18 (සිංහල) ආර්.ඒ.එන්.කුරේ එදිරිව පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ආර්. සී. හෙටිටිආරච්චි ස්ථානාධිපති - මුල්ලේරියාව පොලිස් ස්ථානය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/16/24 සහ HRC/26/24 (සිංහල) එම්.ඒ.කේ.එම්. රිෆා සහ එම්.ඒ.සි සම්පත් එදිරිව අධ්‍යක්ෂ ජනරාල් - වෙරළ සංරක්ෂණ හා වෙරළ සම්පත් කළමනාකරණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක අනුරුද්ධ හේරත් - ස්ථානාධිපති දෙහිවල පොලිස් ස්ථානය සහ ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ පොලිස් අධිකාරී මංගල දෙහිදෙණිය - පොලිස් අධිකාරී කාර්යාලය ගල්කිස්ස, නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති ජී. එච්. මාරපන බස්නාහිර පළාත දකුණ. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/AM/15/21/S/EM (සිංහල) පී.ඩබ්ලිව්.එන්. සේනාරත්න එදිරිව පොලිස්පති -පොලිස් මුලස්ථානය, එච්.එම්.ඒ.පි. හේරත් - පොලිස් අධිකාරී(I) අම්පාර, එස්.විජේසේකර අම්පාර කොට්ඨාශභාර පොලිස් අධිකාරී, ඒ. කරුණාරත්න - හිටපු නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති අම්පාර, කේ.ජයනෙත්ති ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ නියෝජ්‍ය පොලිස්පති නැගෙනහිර පළාත සහ ජේ. රත්නායක - අම්පාර කොට්ඨාශභාර ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ පොලිස් අධිකාරී, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 83225 වීරසිංහ - පොලිස් ස්ථානය සිඔලාණ්ඩුව பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/1650/23 (සිංහල) ජී.ජී.කේ. විද්‍යාරත්න එදිරිව ජනක ශ්‍රී චන්ද්‍රගුප්ත - ලේකම් සෞඛ්‍ය අමාත්‍යංශය සහ වෛද්‍ය දේදුනු ඩයස් - අධ්‍යක්ෂක (වැ.බ.) වෛද්‍ය පර්යේෂණ ආයතනය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/1989/22 (සිංහල) එෆ්.ආර්.නාලිනි සිල්වා එදිරිව සභාපති සහ සාමාන්‍යාධිකාරි - ජාතික නිවාස සංවර්ධන අධිකාරිය பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/AP/114/2019/1 (සිංහල) ඩී එම් ඩබ්ලිව් කුමාරිහාමි එදිරිව ලේකම් - පළාත් රාජ්‍ය සේවා කොමිෂන් සභාව උතුරුමැද පළාත பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/KND/48/23/W (සිංහල) මහාචාර්ය එම්.ඩබ්.සී.එන්.කේ. රඹුක්වැල්ල එදිරිව මහාචාර්ය ආනන්ද ජයවික්‍රම - වැඩබලන අංශාධිපති පුරාවිද්‍යා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, ආචාර්ය ප්‍රභාත් ඒකනායක - පීඨාධිපති ශාස්ත්‍ර පීඨය - පේරාදෙණිය විශ්ව විද්‍යාලය සහ මහාචාර්ය එම්.ඩී. ළමාවංශ - උපකුලපති පේරාදෙණිය විශ්ව විද්‍යාලය, මහාචාර්ය ටෙරන්ස් මධුජිත් - වැඩබැලූ උපකුලපති පේරාදෙණිය විශ්ව විද්‍යාලය பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/1584/23 (සිංහල) කේ.ආර්.අයි ක්‍රිෂාන්ති එදිරිව විදුහල්පති - නාලන්දා විදුහල කොළඔ සහ ලේකම් - අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යාශය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/2858/21 (සිංහල) එන්.ඩබ්ලිව්.ඒ.ආර්.ඩබ්ලිව් නානායක්කාර එදිරිව උපකුලපති - ශ්‍රී ජයවර්ධන විශ්ව විද්‍යාලය සහ සභාපති - විශ්ව විද්‍යාල ප්‍රතිපාදන කොමිෂන් සභාව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/3704/23 (සිංහල) පුජ්‍ය තිනියාවල පාලිත හිමි එදිරිව ලේකම් - රාජ්‍ය පරිපාලන හා ස්වදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්‍යංශය, ලේකම් - බුද්ධ ශාසන ආගමික හා සංස්කෘතික කටයුතු අමාත්‍යංශය, බෞද්ධ කටයුතු කොමසාරිස් ජනරාල් - බෞද්ධ කටයුතු පිළිබද දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව සහ ජනාධිපති ලේකම් - ජනාධිපති ලේකම් කාර්යාලය, අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ලේකම් - අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ලේකම් කාර්යාලය. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/3480/22 (සිංහල) එම්.ජී.ටී.ඩී.මැදවත්ත මහතා එදිරිව පොලිස් පරික්ෂක ආලෝක ස්ථානාධිපති විවිධ පැමිණිලි අංශය අලුත්ගම පොලිස් ස්ථානය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/792/24 (සිංහල) අචලා සෙනෙවිරත්න මෙය එදිරිව ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක චින්තක අනුරාධ ස්ථානාධිපති වැලිකඩ පොලිස් ස්ථානය සහ පොලිස්පති - ශ්‍රී ලංකා පොලිසිය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/KND/458/22 (සිංහල) එම්.එච්.ඒ. සුභසිංහ එදිරිව ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය වෙලම්බඩ සහ උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක දිසානායක,පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් ධනුෂ්ක පොලිස් ස්ථානය වෙලම්බඩ. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/ANU/05/2022 (සිංහල) ආර්.එම්.පී. රුවන් චින්තක රණසිංහ එදිරිව ආර්.එම්.‍ජේ. රාජපක්ෂ ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක, උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක එච්.එම්.කේ. ඉන්දික හේරත්, පොලිස් සැරයන් 34119 එස්.එම්.තිස්ස බණ්ඩාර සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 34462 එම්.පී. ලංකාතිලක ජයවර්ධන - මුලස්ථාන පොලිසිය මහව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/ANU/60/2023 (සිංහල) ඒ.එම්.එස්.කේ කුමාර එදිරිව ටී.එම්.ඩබ්ලිව්.එන්. තෙන්නකෝන් පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක (විශ්‍රාමික) සහ ප්‍රසන්න වැලිකල ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය කැකිරාව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/2603/23, HRC/2153/23, HRC/2154/23 (සිංහල) ඊ.ඒ.එන්.එච්.එදිරිසුරිය, ඊ.ඒ.ජේ. නතාෂා එදිරිසුරිය එදිරිව ජේෂ්ඨ පොලිස් අධීකාරී ලකී රන්දෙණිය හිටපු අධ්‍යක්ෂක සහකාර අපරාධ පරීක්ෂන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, S පොලිස් අධිකාරී චන්දිමා අරුමප්පෙරුම සහ උපපොලිස් පරීක්ෂක එස්.එම්.යු සුභසිංහ - අන්තර්ජාල අවේක්ෂණ හා බුද්ධි ඒකකය පරිගණක අපරාධ කොට්ඨාශය අපරාධ පරීක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, පාලක ජනරාල් - ආගමන විගමන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/4519/23, HRC/5206/23 (සිංහල) අයි.ඩී. සුරේෂ් ලක්මාල් සෙනෙවිරත්න එදිරිව කාන්තා උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ජේ.එම්. ජානකී රසාදරී- පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල, පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ටී.සී. අසංක රාජකරුණා - ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 41132 ජයන්ත ගුණසේකර- ස්ථානාධිපති විවිධ පැමිණිලි අංශය, උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ඒ.එස්.චන්දන - ස්ථානාධිපති අපරාධ අංශය පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/HO/2046/23 (සිංහල) කේ.ඒ. රුවන් කුමාර එදිරිව පොලිස් සැරයන් 68770 එස්.පි. ඩී. ගැමුණු කුමාර සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 67870 - කොට්ඨාශ රථවාහන අංශය පොලිස් ස්ථානය පානදුර, ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය මොරොන්තුඩුව. பதிவிறக்க
HRC/AM/98/22 (සිංහල) එච්. වී. එන්. දිසාන්ත නානායක්කාර එදිරිව - ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ඩී. එම්. එන්. මනෝජ් දිසානායක ස්‌ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය දමන සහ උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක උපුල් ජයශාන්ත - ස්ථානාධිපති අපරාධ විමර්ශන අංශය පොලිස් ස්ථානය දමන பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/551/16 (සිංහල) සී.ජේ. අමරසිංහ එදිරිව එස්.කේ.ඩී.එස්. උදවංශ - ස්‌ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය මුල්ලේරියාව සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 45827 සිසීර කුමාර - පොලිස් ස්ථානය මුල්ලේරියාව (වත්මන් පොලිස් ස්ථානය කලවාන) பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/ANU/60/2023 (සිංහල) ඒ.එම්.එස්.කේ කුමාර එදිරිව ටී.එම්.ඩබ්ලිව්.එන්. තෙන්නකෝන් පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක (විශ්‍රාමික) සහ ප්‍රසන්න වැලිකල ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය කැකිරාව. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/4519/23, HRC/5206/23 (සිංහල) අයි.ඩී. සුරේෂ් ලක්මාල් සෙනෙවිරත්න එදිරිව කාන්තා උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ජේ.එම්. ජානකී රසාදරී- පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල, පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ටී.සී. අසංක රාජකරුණා - ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 41132 ජයන්ත ගුණසේකර- ස්ථානාධිපති විවිධ පැමිණිලි අංශය, උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ඒ.එස්.චන්දන - ස්ථානාධිපති අපරාධ අංශය පොලිස් ස්ථානය අළුබෝමුල්ල. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/2603/23, HRC/2153/23, HRC/2154/23 (සිංහල) ඊ.ඒ.එන්.එච්.එදිරිසුරිය, ඊ.ඒ.ජේ. නතාෂා එදිරිසුරිය එදිරිව ජේෂ්ඨ පොලිස් අධීකාරී ලකී රන්දෙණිය හිටපු අධ්‍යක්ෂක සහකාර අපරාධ පරීක්ෂන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, පොලිස් අධිකාරී චන්දිමා අරුමප්පෙරුම සහ උපපොලිස් පරීක්ෂක එස්.එම්.යු සුභසිංහ - අන්තර්ජාල අවේක්ෂණ හා බුද්ධි ඒකකය පරිගණක අපරාධ කොට්ඨාශය අපරාධ පරීක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව, පාලක ජනරාල් - ආගමන විගමන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
HRC/ANU/292/2022 (සිංහල) B.J. Manavadu, R.M.S.S. Ratnayake And A.P.L. Jivani Velekoratuwa Vs. General Manager - National Water Supply & Drainage Board Ratmalana. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/4835/23 (සිංහල) ජේ. පි. කන්නන්ගර එදිරිව සභාපති - මධ්‍යම පරිසර අධිකාරිය සහ අධ්‍යක්ෂක- මධ්‍යම පරිසර අධිකාරිය කාර්යාලය පොල්ගොල්ල பதிவிறக்க

Recommendations Issued in (English) 2023

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/3886/15 (English) P.S.M. Fernando Vs. R.S Gunarathna 21837 Police Sergeant Police Station Marawila, H.A.J. Fernando 41425 Police Constable-Junior Officer’s Canteen Colombo, C.M.K Chandana 63244 Police Constable Police welfare Division & R.D. Amarasiri 41305 Police Constable Police Station Madampe. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/825/18 (English) D.W. Priyantha Vs. Officer In Charge of Police Station Ahungalla & Chithrasiri Inspector of Police - Police Station Ahungalla. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2819/17, HRC/2637/17 HRC/2602/20 (English) J.S.N. Fernando On Behalf of R.G Vajira Kumara Vs. Dharmapriya Inspector of Police Special Task Force Rajagiriya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/145/2014(W) (English) B.M.D. Kumari Vs. U.K.N. Jayaweera Inspector of Police Officer In Charge of Police Station of Giribawa & Rambanda Sub Inspector- Police Station Giribawa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/514/2014/(I) (English) K. Premalatha On Behalf of H.H.S.H.M. Jayaratne Vs. W.N Wijerathne 45741 Police Sergeant, M.K Sirisomarathne 34718 Police Sergeant, K. Abewickrama 31733 Police Sergeant, H.A.C. Hettiarachchi 54301 Police Constable & Chaminda 63336 Police Constable – Police Station Mahavilachchiya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/22/14/B/EM (English) D.V.L. Gunasekara, D.V.A. Gunasekara Vs. P.N.B. Mahagedaragama Inspector of Police - Officer in Charge of Police Station of Iginiyagala & Sumarathna Sub Inspector & Thilakarathna 31362 Police Sergeant & Gunawardana 12882 Police Sergeant & Pathirana 26196 Police Sergeant – Police Station Iginiyagala. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/BD/163/15 (English) P.A.K.M. Nilaweera Vs. P.V.S.R. Pattividana Women Prison Guard & M.P.D.S Jayalath Women Prison Guard – Badulla Prison Department of Prison. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2919/20 (English) D. Kuruppuge On Behalf of D.S. Kumara Vs. T.S. Perera 76300 Police Constable - Police Station Mattegoda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/237/2016 (S) (English) A. Seelawathi On Behalf of R.M.S.B. Thennakon Vs. K.M S. Karunathissa Inspector of Police Officer in Charge of Police Station Galenbidunuweva, W.D.B. Fonseka Inspector of Police & M.A.S Priyadarshana 38646 Police Constable - Police Station Galenbidunuweva. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2257/15 HRC/2606/15 (English) P.L. Ramyalatha & W.A.D.G. Kumara Vs. Karunarathna Inspector of Police, Jayathissa 24449 Police Sergeant & C.K. Jayarathna 60295 Police Constable – Police Station Welipenna பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1827/17 (English) H.M Musammil Vs. Director of Education Western Province, M.R.A.S.M Bandara - Deputy Director of Education (School Administration) Kelaniya Education Zone & M.P.M Usman The Principal - Alhamud College Ulahitiwala Malwana. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/521/2016( S) (English) K. Hemalatha On Behalf of T. Mahindapala Vs. M.G.A.I. Weerasingha Sub Inspector of Police, S. Wijekumara 59629 Police Sergeant, J.A.P. Amarasena 50508 Police Constable, H.M.M. Kaflan 86727 Police Constable & M.S Pramathilaka 86732 Police Constable – Police Station Habarana. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1604/15 (English) W. Winson On Behalf Of W.C.S. Kumara Vs. Officer In Charge of Police Station Welikada (2015), K.G.S Priyantha Sub Inspector of Police Office in charge of Crime Branch Police Station Welikada, R.M.S.M Rathnayaka Sub Inspector of Police & B.T. Ranjith 38723 Police Constable - Police Station Welikada. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/52/20/S/PL (English) G.V.P. Darshani On Behalf of D.M.U. Tharushika Vs. Manjula 9945 Police Sergeant, Chandana 63141 Police Sergeant, Wijewardana 67152 Police Constable & Kumara 81995 Police Constable – Police Station Ampara. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/AM/ 68/14 (English) S.M Heenmenika Vs. Residential Project Manager – Rambakanoya - Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka & Divisional Secretary - Divisional Secretariat Padiyathalawa பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AN /279/2021 (English) S. Anuradhanayaka Vs. Headquarters Chief Inspector of Police Headquarters Police Station Anuradhapura & Senior Deputy Inspector General Of Police – Anuradhapuraya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/4593/13 (English) O.S.D. Perera Vs. Deputy Commissioner of Local Government - Department of Local Government Western Province பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/96/18 (English) M.A. Nurdeen Vs. Chief Executive Officer - Galoya Plantations Higurana & District Secretary - District Secretariat Ampara. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/187/22 (English) U.W. Senevirathna Vs. Chairman - Public Service Commission பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/755/20 (English) P.D.N.W Gamage Vs. The Principle – C.W.W Kannangara National School Mathugama & The Principal - Thakshila National School Horana (Chairman Of Appeal Board) & Director (National School) - Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/832/15 (English) W.S.S. Lakshitha Vs. Director -Institute of Human Resource Advancement - University of Colombo. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/ 133/22/A (English) T.H.C.H. Fernando Vs. The Principal - Dharmaraja College Kandy பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/4574/75 (English) J.S. Jayaweera Vs. S.M. Banduseena - Secretory - Ministry of Education பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KND/131/22/A (English) H.G.A. Madushanka Vs. The Principal - Mahamaya Girls College Kandy & Secretary - Ministory of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/04/20/W (English) S.M.P.A. Sanjeewani Vs. Grama Niladhari 221 Wasama Talwatta & Deputy Education Commissioner District Election Office Kandy & The Principal Dharmaraja College Kandy & Secretary Ministry Of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KND/160/22/I (English) J.A.C. Jagath Vs. The Principal Dharmaraja College Kandy & Secretary பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/ AP/ 594/2016(S) (English) M.K.L.W Samanmali Vs. A.M Piyathissa - Sub Inspector of Police Miscellaneous Complaints Division Headquarters Police Station Tambuttegama. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KND/399/22/ M (English) G.M.M. Galappatty Vs. The Principal - Kingswood College Kandy. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2764/21 (English) S.M.M. Ismail Vs. Vice Chancellor – South Eastern University of Sri Lanka – Oluvil. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2523/21 (English) L.A.K. Siyabalagoda Vs. Inspector General Of Police – Sri Lanka Police And Director – Human Rights Division – Sri Lanka Police பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2499/17 (English) N.U. Liyanage Vs. Secretary – Ministry of Defence, Commander of the Sri Lanka Army & Director General - Department of Management Services. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2698/21 (English) B.A. Upekshi Vs. The Principal – Royal College & Secretary –Ministry Of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/575/17 (English) K.A.D. Ananda Vs. Secretary – Ministry of Defence, Inspector General Of Police – Sri Lanka Police And Halangoda – Headquarters Inspector Of Police - Police Station Kandy (Current Police Station Police Headquarters Colombo) பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1062/19 (English) J.A. Sunil Vs. Municipal Commissioner - Colombo Municipal Council, Secretary of Local Government Western Province, Governor of Western Province And Secretary - Western Province. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1140/12 (English) P.B.K. Gunasekera Vs. Commissioner General of Agrarian Development - Department of Agrarian Development, Headquarters Inspector Of Police – Police Stattion Horana And R.K.M.K. Karunathilaka -Agrarian Development Officer பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1238/22 (English) S.S. K. Gunawardhana Vs. Secretary- Ministry of Youth & Sports And Chairman - Sugathadasa National Sports Complex Authority பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/ 267/21/A (English) A.M.I.K. Abekoon Vs. Officer In charge Of Police Station Peradeniya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/4325/16 (English) A.M.C.S. Siriwardana Vs. Chairman- Regional Development Bank & Managing Director/Chief Executive officer Regional Development Bank Kelaniya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KL/146/2021 (English) A.L.M Aslam Vs. Vice Chancellor - South Eastern University of Sri Lanka Oluvil. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRD/4765/22 (English) A.N Katuawala Vs. Secretary - Provincial Public Service Commission - Western Province. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1126/22 (English) M.R.P.M.R Bandara Vs. The Principal -Kegalu Vidyalaya – Kegalle. Director-National Schools – Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2650/18 (English) M. Upasena On Behalf of L.N.N. Mapatuna Vs. The Principal -Mahinda Rajapaksha College Homagama & Deputy Principal Theja Weerakkodi - Mahinda Rajapaksha College Homagama பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/ME/SOU-MOTU/05/2022 (English) M.G Gunarathna Vs. Municipal Commissioner - Municipal Council Kurunegala & Chairman - Urban Development Athority & Commissioner of Agrarian Development - Department of Agrarian Development District Office Kurunegala & Headquarters Inspector Of Police, Headquarters Police Station Kurunegala. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KND / 610/22/I (English) A.B. Yatiwella Vs. The Principal - Kingswood College Kandy பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1397/22 HRC/769/22 (English) R. Weththasinghe Vs. Director General - Department of Wildlife Conservation. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3530/15, HRC/3531/15 HRC/3532/15 (English) U.L Dharmalatha ,P.G W.L Ekanayaka & D.A Samarakoon Vs. Secretary - Ministry Of Higther Education & Director General - Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education, & Director General - Department of Trade and Investment Policies. - Ministry of Finance & Director General – Department of Management Services. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/BD/57/20 (English) S.M Sumathipala Vs. Divisional Sectary - Divisional Secretariat Badulla. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2041/21 (English) W.E.S.W.U.S.S. Zoysa & Others Vs. Vice Chancellor - Wayamba University of Sri Lanka. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/37/18/W (English) K.G.N.P. Kapukotuwa Vs. The Principal - Mahamaya Girls College & The Principal - Dharmaraja College - Kandy ( Chainman - Appeals and Objections Investigation Board - Mahamaya Girls Collage Kandy) பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2436/14 (English) R.B Welangoda Vs. T.K.J. Dissanayake - Exercise Inspector Department of Excise பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/45/23 (English) J.A.S.R Perera Vs. The Principal - Mahamaya Girls College Kandy பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/ 4227/15 (English) S.A.M Nilam Vs. Surveyor General – Sri Lanka Survey Department, Secretary - Ministry of Lands & Director General of Pensions - Department of Pensions. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KND/76-23/I (English) L.K. Kaluarachchi Vs. The Principal - Girls High School Kandy பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KND/399/22/M (English) R.W.A. Rambukwella Vs. Chairman Ududumbara Pradeshiya Sabhawa பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1112/21 (English) M.Y.R. Sawrij Vs. The Principal – Royal College & Secretary –Ministry of Education பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/1746/20/A (English) W.M.P.M.B. Weerakkody Vs. Officer In Charge of Headquarters Police Station Matale & Ekanayaka Sub Police Inspector Headquarters Police Station Matale. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/BD/215/22 (English) J.M.A. Sampath On Behalf of T. Nimsara Vs. Officer In Charge of Police Station Ethimale, H.M. Chanrdadasa – Sub Inspector of Police, N.G.J.C. Sadakelum 61866 Police Sergeant, R.G.A. Rajapaksha 41827 Police Sergeant & D.M. Karunasena 69521 Police Constable - Police Station Ethimale. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/BD/124/22 (English) A. Jamaldeen Vs. M.L.L.N. Lakshika – Grama Niladhari Mahathenna Wasama 61C Welimada. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) Follow up Order-HRC/KI/015/21 (English) Rukshan Fernando v Sri Lanka Navy - Follow up Order sent Respondent on 18/01/2024 பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K1/015/2021 (English) Rukshan Fernando v Sri Lanka Navy பதிவிறக்க

19TH APRIL 2022

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/1044/21 (English) Tharindu Jayawardhana - Editor In Chief -MediaLK.com Vs. Secretary – Ministry Of Mass Media பதிவிறக்க

Recommendations Issued in (English) 2022

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/K/529/18/A (English) R.G.N. Madhuwanthi Vs. Ganganath Inspector of Police-Officer in Charge of Crime Division Police Station Kurunegala பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/109/19 (English) D. Alahapperuma Inspector of Police Vs. H.A.N.K.D. Vijaya Shri Senior Superintendent of Police / Director of Police Welfare Division. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1729/18 (English) W.A.D.T.D. Jayaratne On Behalf of W.A.D. Jayarathana Vs. Galagedara 10836 Police Sergeant & Kamalsiri 50001 Police Constable - Police Station Homagama. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2453/18 (English) W.M. Neelakanthi On Behalf of A.A.M D. Rajapaksha Vs. Officer in Charge of Police Station Malwathuhiripitiya & Officer in Charge - Crime Division Police Station Malwathuhiripitiya பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/394/2018(I) (English) R. Wimalasiri Vs. S.M.L.R. Bandara - Officer in Charge of Police Station Welikanda, Police Sergeant 23339 A. Ariyarathne, H.G.D.S. Hewage 74585 Police Constable & H.C.L. Kumara 029113 - Police Station Welikanda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1239/16/I-23 (English) W. Priyangika On Behalf of M.A.D. Kumara Vs. H.W. Udayanga-Watcher of School and The Principal - Warakagoada Central College Warakagoda & Zonal Director of Education, Horana. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3702/16, HRC/1582/16 (English) D.U. Thabbru Vs. PushpaKumara Inspector of Police - Officer in Charge of Divisional Anti-Corruption Division Office of the Superintended of Police Panadura, N.J. Soysa Sub-Inspector of Police, J. Sampath 77780 Police Constable & Lakmal 88818 Police Constable - Police Station Panadura South. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/ K/152/16-A (English) G.G.C. Rajapaksha Vs. R.M.A. Rathnayake - Principal Sangabhodhi Central College Morayaya, Minipe. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/SUO/MOTU/14/22 (English) Lieutenant Colonel P.V. Kumarasinhe – Sri Lanka Army And Legal Director - Sri Lanka Army. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/408/2014(I) (English) G.A. Srikantha On Behalf of G.A.Wimalasena Vs. A.M.U.R. Jayathissa Inspector of Police – Divisional Anti-Corruption Investigation Division Office of the Deputy Inspector of Police Anuradhapuraya, A.M.A. Premasiri 28138 Police Constable – Police Station Nochchiyagama, D.M.A.L. Disanyake 15901 Police Constable Police Station Mannar, S.E. Dhanapala 64992 Police Constable – Police Station Thabuththegama, D.D.S. Daramadasa 35889 Police Constable & D.D.D. Kumarasinaha 34659 Police Constable –Police Headquarters Anuradhapuraya, K.G.R.H. Senarathna 53585 Police Constable – Police Station Mihinthalaya, K.S.Podikumara 16127 Police Constable – Police Station Eppawala, D.M.P.A.Disanayake 48496 Police Constable - Police Headquarters Anuradhapuraya And D.M.R. Disanayake 1588 Women Police Constable – Police Station Mihinthalaya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/269/2017 (English) G. Harshajith Vs. S.D.A.B. Disanayake 47894 Police Constable – Police Station Nochchiyagama. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1144/18 (English) O.A. Kanthi Vs. Principal-WP/PILI/ S De S Jayasinghe Central College (National School) Dehiwala. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1026/19 (English) A Nadaraja Vs. Officer in Charge of Crime Division Police Station Bulathsinhala & Officer in Chaege of Police Station Bulathsinhala. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/193/19/A (English) W.A. A. Withanaarachchi Vs.Officer in Charge of Police Station Thalathuoya S.Kumara Inspector of Police,Punchirathna 21631 Police Sergeant, Jayakody 57746 Police Constable And Smarakon 73765 Police Constable, Bandara 78429 Police Constable - Police Station of Thalathuoya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/550/16 (English) P. Jayanthi On Behalf of K. Wimalan Vs. N. Samansiri Sub Inspector of Police – Police Station Monaragala, Shiwayogaraja 73871 Police Constable – Police Station Nallathanniya & S. Kumar 55611 Police Sergeant – Police Station Kankesanthurai, Officer in Charge of Police Station Bagawanthalawa. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/1989/22 (සිංහල) එෆ්.ආර්.නාලිනි සිල්වා එදිරිව සභාපති සහ සාමාන්‍යාධිකාරි - ජාතික නිවාස සංවර්ධන අධිකාරිය பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3859/16 (English) P.R.J. Bandara & Others Vs. Secretary-Provincial Public Service Commission Sabaragamuwa Province, Chief Secretary - Chief Secretary Office And Secretary - Ministry of Local Government Sabaragmuwa Provincial Council. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/4605/15 (English) J. Ranasinghe Vs. Director General of Pensions -Department of Pensions, Divisional Secretary – Alipitiya Divisional Secretariat & Divisional Secretary - Baddegama Divisional Secretariat. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/197/19 (English) S.T.Naleer Vs. The Principal - Royal College Colombo பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/247/18 (English) D.A.S. Karunathne Vs. The Principal - Royal College Colombo, President - Interview Panel of Royal College, Chairman- Appeal and Objection Board Royal College Colombo And Secretary - Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/54/20/EM,HRC/AM/28/19/S/EM (English) K.D.M.A. Podimanike Vs. Secretary - Ministry of Health Eastern Province, Secretary - Provincial Public Service Commission Eastern Province, Regional Director of Health Services Ampara, Superintendent of Medical - Base Hospital Dehiyathakandya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/169/19 (English) K.N. Devshani Vs. The Principal of St. Mary's Girls School(Primary) Chilaw & Renuka Costa - Assistant Director of Education Zonal Education Office Chilaw. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1349/18 (English) K.D.S. Wijerathne Vs. P. Wellikala Chief Inspector of Police - Police Station Horana, Director General - Central Environment Authority, Commissioner General of Labor - Department of Labor And Public Health Inspector - Madurawala. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/65/2016(W) (English) K. Sumathipala Vs. Zonal Director of Education Galinbinthunuweva, Director of Education - Provincial Education Department – North Central Province And Secretary - Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/844/17, HRC/231/18, HRC/1710/19 (English) K.D. Kalyana Vs. Director - Department of Cultural Affairs Sethsiripaya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/RM/SUO-MOTU/01/2021 & HRC/HO/2781/21 (English) T. Jayawardena And Secretary/ President - Sri Lanka Young-Journalists Association. Vs. Chairman - Litro Gas Lanka Company, Chairman -Consumer Affairs Authority, Secretary - State Ministry of Corporative Services Marketing Development and Consumer Protection, Director General - Sri Lanka Standard Institute, Chairman Public Utilities Commission, Inspector General of Police – Sri Lanka Police Responsibility Institute : Chairman - Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, Chairman - LAUGFS Gas PLC, Chairman - Institute of Industrial Technology, Chief Valuer - Government Valuation Department. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1106/21 (English) H.A.L. Rasika Vs. Secretary- Ministry of Education And The Principal - Royal College Colombo. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/MT/04/20/N (English) M.K.K. Perera Vs. The Principal - Richmond College Galle. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1323/18 (English) D.L.D. Nadeeka Vs. The Principal- Ferguson High School Ratnapura, Director (National School) And Secretary - Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/175/16 (English) K.A.T. Corey Vs. Commissioner General of Lands - Department of Commissioner General of Lands, Provisional Commissioner of Lands (Western Province) Provincial Land Department And Divisional Secretary - Hangwella Divisional Secretariat (Seethawaka). பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/71/21 (English) S.A. Wijayakoon & Others Vs. Secretary And Director (National School) - Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1724/22 (English) R.M.R. Prasanna Vs. S. Peththanthri Senior Superintended of Police, South Colombo & H.D.H.U. Jayasekara Superintended of Police – Department of Sri Lanka Police. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/53/19 (English) K.L. Wannisinghe Vs. Chief Executive Officer - Galoya Plantation Company Hingurana, Director - Bureau of Geological Survey and Mines Matara, Divisional Secretary - Divisional Secretariat Sammanthuraia, K.Ravi Grama Nilidhari 891 Walathapitiya 01 And Irrigation Engineer - Office of Irrigation Engineer Samanthuraia பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/320/19/A (English) W.A.P. Wickramasuriya Vs. Secretary - Ministry of Education And The Principal - Kegalu Balika Vidyalaya – Kegalla. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3297/19 (English) K. Dharmasekara Vs. The Principle - St. Paul's Girls' School Milagiriya And Director- (National School) Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/79/21 (English) S. Perera Vs. The Principal - R/Eheliyagoda Central College Eheliyagoda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3013/19 (English) A. Shanthini Vs. The Principal - Nalanda College Colombo And Project Director - Urban Development Authority. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2964/15 (English) R.P.B. B. Thilakasiri Vs. Secretary Ministry of Women,Child Affairs & Social Empowerment, Director-General Department of Samurdhi Development & R.A.K. Ranawaka - Director-General (Former) பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/717/16 (English) W. Chaminda Vs. Secretary - Ministry of Education &The Principal - Dharmaraja College Kandy பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/958/12 (English) A.K.M. Anwardeen Vs. C.L. Wickramasinghe Chief Inspector of Police- Police Station Bandaragama, A. Disanayake - Assistant Superintendent Of Police Office of the Assistant Superintended of Police Pandandura, M.A.E. Mahendra -Senior Superintended of Police-Office of the Superintended of Police Killinochi, Deputy Inspector General Of Police - Grievances Divisionn Police Headquarters & Director - Department of Muslim Religion & Cultural Affairs. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1288/19 (English) N. Naseem Vs. The Principal - Vidyachandra Central College Kadawatha. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/54/2019 (English) M.K. Kulanthunga Vs. R. Jayasena Inspector of Police Office in Charge of Miscellaneous Complaints Division Police Headquarters Kandy. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3845/13 (English) I.D. De Silva & A. S. Silva Vs. Director General of Irrigation -Department of Irrigation. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/631/2014(S) (English) K.B. Jayawardena Vs. Director General of Agriculture Department of Agriculture And Deputy Director Farm Mechanics Training Centre Anuradhapura. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/MT/66/2019 (English) M.A.R. Ramsani Vs. The Principal - Richmond College Galle, Secretary - Interview Panel And Secretary - Appeal & Objection Inquiry Board - Richmond College Galle. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/56/19/T/AD (English) A.L. Kahawattha Vs. Garden Keeper- Department of Wildlife Conservation Inginiyagala, Divisional Secretary - Divisional Secretariat Damana, P. Munasinghe - Garden Keeper Gal Oya Park - Department of Wildlife Conservation, Assistant Commissioner Department of Agrarian Development And Director-Central Environment Authority District Office Ampara, D.M.G.N. Priyantha - Hathpotha Site Assistant- Department of Wildlife Conservation Iniginiyagala. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/651/18 (English) R.M.S. Thilakasiri & R. Dharmasena Vs. Director General Establishments Division-Ministry of Public-Administration பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/396/19/A (English) D.P. Kodagoda Vs. Secretary - Ministry of Education, R.D.Jaminda, -Senior Assistant Secretary Ministry of Education & H.Hewage Additional Secretarial (Controls) Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/586/2017(w) (English) A.H.M. Asanka Vs. Secretary- North-West Province Public Service Commission. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/234/2014(s) (English) M.M. Anulavathi. Vs. Residential Project Manager Moragahakanda Zone Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, Director General Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, Divisional Manager Aththanakadawala Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka And Manager, Unit Manager AththanaKadawala - Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/19/21 (English) Y.K Kuruppu Vs. The Principal - Ananda College Colombo. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3115/17 (English) P.A. Shaymali Vs. Secretary- Ministry of Health, Director Postgraduate Institute of Medicine University of Colombo And Director- National Institute of Health Science. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/73/2019 (English) R.M. S. Menike Vs. Divisional Secretary - Divisional Secretariat Uhana. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/201/2016(S) (English) M.A.M.R. Perera Vs. Divisional Secretary Divisional Secretariat Thambuttegama, District Secretary District Secretariat – Anuradhapura, Secretary - Ministry of Home Affairs & Public Administration And Director General of Pension- Department of Pension. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/43/18 (English) P.H. Abewikramasinha Vs. Divisional Secretary – Divisional Secretariat Alayadivembu, Grama Niladhari- Kolawill 01 Wasama, Officer In Charge Of Police Station Akkaraipattu & District Secretary-District Secretariat Ampara. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/278/18 (English) S.M.M. Prasanna, K.A.R. Weerarathna – Secretary, A.D. Gunasena President And D.R. Gamini Member – Dahami Gowi Sanwidhanaya Diwulapathana Vs. Director General - Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, Residential Project Manager B Zone Welikanada - Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka, District Forest Officer – Batticaloa And District Secretary - District Secretariat Batticaloa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/96/16/B/LP HRC/AM/98/16/T/LP (English) D.M. Arachchi & A.H.G. Silva Vs. Divisional Secretary- Divisional Secretariat Ampara, Deputy Land Commissioner- Ampara And Land Commissioner General - Land Commissioner General's Department பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/949/17 (English) H.P.G. Sriyanthi Vs. General Manager & Manager-National Savings Bank. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/74/18 (English) R.P. Sirima Vs. Secretary Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/59/18/B/LP (English) T.T.W. Kumara Vs. Divisional Engineer-Geological Survey Office-Ampara, Executive Officer-Gal Oya Plantations, Divisional Secretary-Divisional Secretary Office-Sammanthurai, Director-Irrigation Office and Grama Niladhari Wlathapitiya 01 Sammanthurai. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/BCO/042/2016 (English) E. Niroshan Vs. Chief Minister Local Government & Rural Development, Deputy Secretary (Adminstration) Local Government & Rural Development And Assistant Commissioner of Regional Local Government. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2858/17 (English) I.G.C. Kumara & Others Vs. Director General- Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority & Residential Project Manager – Victoria & Kothmale Project Sri Lanka Mahaweli Authority. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KND/157/22/A (English) K.G.T.B. Dilhan Vs. The Principle Dharmaraja College Kandy & Secretary-Ministry if Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3649/11 (English) H.K.R. Thushara Vs. Director General-National institute of Fisheries & Nautical Engineering - Colombo 15. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/06/17-1 (English) K.P.B. Nishshanka Vs. Secretary Public Service Commission- Central Province & Secretary-Central Provincial Ministry of Sports and Rural Development. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/MT/25/21/V (English) D.M. Edirisinghe Vs. The Principle & Chairmen- Appeal and Objection Board - Weeraketiya Primary School. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KND/172/22/1 (English) D.A.G.G. Dissanayaka Vs. The Principle Dharmaraja College-Kandy பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1777/17 (English) W.M.R.P. Wijekoon Vs. Director General - Sri Lanka Customs பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3908/16 (English) M.M.D.G. Bandara Vs. Director General -Department of Management Services And Director-Development Project of Kalugaga- Moragahakanda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/377/20 (English) R.M.N.N.S. Rathnayake Vs. The Principle - Kingswood College Kandy. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/930/2017 (English) N.A.M. P. Nammuniarachhci Vs. Chairman - University Grants Commission and The Principal -President's College Mahara Kadawatha. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/369/21 (English) K.T.D. Keerthinath Vs. The Principal - Dharmasoka College Ambalangoda, Secretary – Ministry Of Education And Director National Schools - Ministry Of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/95/21/A (English) H.M.P. Herath Vs. The Principal - Maliyadeva Balika Vidyalaya And Secretary – Ministry Of Education பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1070/17 (English) H.G.C. Jayalath Vs. Dr. S. Senarathna- Director And Dr. A. Kahandaliyanage Chairman - Sri Jayewardenepura General Hospital பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1149/16 (English) Rev. Wegama Kemasara Vs. Master of Education Course Coordinator And Coordinator - Faculty of Education University of Colombo. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/67/21/W (English) D.R.I.A.B. Dehigama Vs. K.W.D.U. Chandrakumara – The Principal Kingswood College Kandy And N. Alahakoon – Director of Education- Provincial Department of Education Central Province பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/3534/15/1-23 (English) K. Hemamala Vs. Jayarathne - Inspector of Police, Silva - Inspector of Police And Shankar Sub Inspector of Police - Police Station Kuruduwatha. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/54/2019 (English) M.K. Kulanthunga Vs. R. Jayasena Inspector of Police Office in Charge of Miscellaneous Complaints Division Police Headquarters Kandy. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1288/19 பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/K/401/19 (English) K.M.S. Rathna Banda Vs. K.S. Dharsana Chief Inspector of Police - Police Station Panadura. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/529/18/A (English) R.G.N. Madhuwanthi Vs. Ganganath Inspector of Police-Officer in Charge of Crime Division Police Station Kurunegala பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/830/17 (English) S.A. Renuka Vs Officer In charge Of Police Station Boralla. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/663/17 HRC/664/17 (English) H.A.S. Damayanthi & I.C.K.A. Senevirathana Vs. Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/559/2016 (English) P.G.M. Wijerathna Banda Vs. J.P.R.K. Jagodage - Inspector of Police Police Headquarters Polonnaruwa (Current Police Station Jaffna), D.M.P. Disanayake 50449 Police Sergeant, M.A.K. Jaya Kelum 89563 Police Constable, B.M.P.C. Rajarathna Police Constable - Police Headquarters Polonnaruwa And Gayan 80801 Sri Lanka Civil Security Force, R.G. Ashoka 50532 Police Constable (Not in Service) பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1026/19 (English) A Nadaraja Vs. Officer in Charge of Crime Division Police Station Bulathsinhala & Officer in Chaege of Police Station Bulathsinhala. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/830/17 (English) S.A. Renuka Vs. Officer In charge Of Police Station Boralla. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/550/16 (English) P. Jayanthi On Behalf of K. Wimalan Vs. N. Samansiri Sub Inspector of Police – Police Station Monaragala, Shiwayogaraja 73871 Police Constable – Police Station Nallathanniya & S. Kumar 55611 Police Sergeant – Police Station Kankesanthurai, Officer in Charge of Police Station Bagawanthalawa. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/AM/53/19 (English) K.L. Wannisinghe Vs. Chief Executive Officer - Galoya Plantation Company Hingurana, Director - Bureau of Geological Survey and Mines Matara, Divisional Secretary - Divisional Secretariat Sammanthuraia, K.Ravi Grama Nilidhari 891 Walathapitiya 01 And Irrigation Engineer - Office of Irrigation Engineer Samanthuraia பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/AM/43/18 (English) P.H. Abewikramasinha Vs. Divisional Secretary – Divisional Secretariat Alayadivembu, Grama Niladhari- Kolawill 01 Wasama, Officer In Charge Of Police Station Akkaraipattu & District Secretary-District Secretariat Ampara. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/943/90 (English) A.M.N. Chaminda Vs. Vice-Chancellor -University of Kelaniya பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/225/16/I-23 (English) K.A. Wijesekara Vs. Municipal Commissioner And Municipal Engineer - Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte-Municipal Council. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2694/19 (English) D.S. Chandrasiri Vs. Chairman - Sri Lanka Land Development Corporation பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/819/17 (English) S. S. Liyanagunawardana Vs. Secretary - Ministry of Education, And The Principal - Royal College Colombo. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/370/16 (English) M.P.M. Padamasiri Vs. Director General - Department of Management Services And Director General - Urban Development Authority. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2505/16 (English) K.A.M. Methsarani Vs. Secretary - Ministry of Education, U. Amarathunga – Chairman - School Sports Council And A. Abeywickrama & Others Members of Selection Committee (Sports Division) – Ministry Of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3743/17 HRC/867/17 (English) R.P.D.K. Rajapaksa Vs. General Manager and Manager - National Savings Bank. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3466/15 (English) W.G.N.P. Wijesinghe Vs. Chairman And General Manager- Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment, Senior Manager - Sri Lanka Foreign Employment Agency. பதிவிறக்க

Recommendations Issued in (English) 2021

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/2901/19 (English) Sacred Heart Convent Galle - Muslims Children's Parents Forum Vs. Education Secretary - Southern Provincial Ministry Of Education, Principal Sister- Sacred Heart Convent Galle And Assistant Director Of Education, Zonal Education Office, Galle. பதிவிறக்க

(English) Freedom from torture.
11. No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/3757/13 (සිංහල) කේ.ඒ. නිමල් එදිරිව පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් ආර්.සී. කුමාරසිංහ, පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක යූ.දේවදසන්, පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක බණ්ඩාර සහ පොලිස් සැරයන් 13503 සුමතිපාල - පොලිස් ස්ථානය කිරුළපන. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/KL/84/17 (සිංහල) එස්.එම්.ඉෂාක් සහ තවත් අය එදිරිව ඒ.එම්.එම්.නජීබ් ස්ථානාධිපති පොලිස් ස්ථානය චවලකඩෙයි, එම්.ඒ.ෆසීල් පොලිස් සැරයන්-24908, උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක එච්.ඩබ්ලිව්.ආර්.දර්ශන සහ පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 66116 ආර්.කේ.ජී.ටී.එස්.තුසාර - චවලකඩෙයි පොලිස් ස්ථානය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/1943/13, HRC/1942/14, HRC /K/171/13/S/T-S (සිංහල) ඩබ්ලිව්.ඩි.එම්.ජී.ඒ.විජේසුන්දර සහ එස්.සී.අන්නතුගොඩ එදිරිව පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක 5068/13 සංජිව, ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක හපුගොඩ, පොලිස් සැරයන් මෙන්ඩිස්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් මේනක - මාතර අපරාධ කොට්ඨාසය සහ එස්. අබේවර්ධන 17865 පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් - තිහගොඩ පොලිස් ස්ථානය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/415/18, HRC/812/18 (සිංහල) එම්.එම්.සී. පෙරේරා සහ එම්. සංජීවනී පෙරේරා එදිරිව පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක ඩබ්ලිව්.ඒ.එස්. නන්දලාල්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 49979 කේ.සී. හේමසිරි තාබ්‍රේව්, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 61742 ඩබ්ලිව්.ආර්.ගම්මන්පිල, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 66757 ඊ.එම්.එස්.ඩී.බී. ඒකනායක සහ පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 74081 නන්දන, පොලිස් කොස්තාපල් 77710 ආර්.එම්.ඩී.පී. කරුණාරත්න – කොළඹ දකුණ දූෂණ මර්දන ඒකකය, කිරුළපන පොලිස් ස්ථානය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/2953/17 (සිංහල) ඒ ප්‍රේමලතා, එම්.ජී. ආනන්ද වෙනුවෙන් එදිරිව අතපත්තු උප පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක පොලිස් ස්ථානය ඇහැලියගොඩ. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/53/17 (සිංහල) පි.විජේසූරිය එදිරිව ස්ථානාධිපති අපරාධ අංශය - පොලිස් ස්ථානය හෝමාගම. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/AM/22/20/B/PL (සිංහල) ආර්.ඒ. ජයවීර රණවක එදිරිව පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක බී.කේ.සී.වීරසිරි - පොලිස් ස්ථානය මහඔය. பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/4437/15 (සිංහල) ඒ. එල්. වික්‍රම එදිරිව ප්‍රධාන පොලිස් පරීක්ෂක බිමල් පෙරේරා පොලිස් ස්ථානය කිරුළපන. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1040/15, HRC/2556/16 (English) I.P.W.R. Jayaweera Vs. Officer- in Charge of Police Station Kiridiwela, A. Susantha - Police Constable 3997, M.S. Dhayawansa - Police Constable 26443, G.H.C. Herath - Police Constable 83997 And Pushpakumara - Police Constable 1324 - Police Station Kiridiwela. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1697/18 (English) W.M.P. Wijayasundara Vs. Inspector of Police B.A.A.P. Bamunusinghe - Officer- In - Change Police Station Rakwana, P.W.S.M. Perera - Women Police Constable 9524, W.G.U Shamali - Women Police Constable 1833, N.H.G.U.C. Kumari - Women Police Constable 6985 - Police Station Rakwana And Sub-Inspector of Police H. Premananda Officer- In - Change Miscellaneous Complaints Section - Police Station Rakwana, N.A.H.W. Wasantha Kumara - Police Constable 60232 - Police Station Rakwana. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/537/15 (English) W.A.P. Wanniarachchi On Behalf of W.A.P. Wanniarachchi & N. Wanniarachchi Vs. Officer In Charge of Crime Division - Police Station Thanamalwila And Udayanga Inspector Of Police – Police Station Thanamalwila. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1459/17 (English) D.P. Thissa Vs. Sunil Lorence Sub-Inspector - Police Station Samanala Wewa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2557/16 (English) W.H. Malani On Behalf of W.C.P.C. Fernando Vs. Suneth Shantha Chief Inspector of Police - District Crime Unit, Police Station Wadduwa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1930/15 (English) W.M. Abekoon Vs. R.P.U.A Rajapaksha Sub-Inspector of Police, H.T. G. Premathilaka Sub-Inspector of Police, Pushpakumara Police Constable 37324, B.A.A.P. Bamunusinghe Inspector of Police - Police Station Kuruwita & Officer –In – Charge of Police Station Kuruwita. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3447/16 (English) W.I. Mihirani On Behalf of W. A. Dushantha & P.L.C. Krishanthi Vs. Mahinda Willoaraachchi Chief Inspector Of Police, Balendra Sub Inspector Of Police Officer-In-Charge - Crime Division Ambalangoda Police Station, Maduranga, Sub Inspector of Police, Tharanga Police Constable 72995 & Rangana Police Constable 3011, Sadaruwan Police Constable 69864 - Police Station Ambalangoda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2112/17 (English) J.L. Pathmasiri Vs. Asela Sub-Inspector of Police-Crime Division - Police Station Weliweriya & Officer- In-Charge of Police Station Weliweriya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2600/16 (English) M.D.S Amarasiri On Behalf of M. V Indrani Vs. Sapumal Ekanayaka Sub-Inspector of Police - Police Station-Polonnaruwa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2793/15 (English) R.B. Dipani Vs. P.D. Hapuarachchi - Former Assistant Divisional Secretary Horana. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/359/14 (English) S.A.D. Kanchana Vs. Commander of the Army - Sri Lanka Army & Staff Sergeant Dasanayaka - Corps of the 1st Engineer Service - Sri Lanka Corps of Military Police. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/655/16 (English) H.M.M.G.H. Wimalaweera Vs. Officer In Charge of Police Station Bulathkohupitiya & Premachandra Police Constable 8600 -Police Station Bulathkohupitiya. பதிவிறக்க

(English) Right to equality
12. (1) All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection of the law.

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/94/19 (සිංහල) ඉසඩ්.ටී.එම් ෆස්ලි එදිරිව විදුහල්පති සහ සභාපති - පාසල් ප්‍රවේශ අභියාචනා මණ්ඩලය - රාජකීය විද්‍යාලය பதிவிறக்க
(සිංහල) HRC/1531/15 (සිංහල) කේ.ඩී. සුනීතා එදිරිව කොමසාරිස් සහ ලේකම් - නිවාස ඉදිකිරීම් සහ සංස්කෘතික කටයුතු අමාත්‍යාංශය. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1631/15 (English) K.U. Pushpakumara Vs. Prof. Mohan De Silva Chairman - University Grants Commission. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1144/15 (English) K. Siwanandaselvam Vs. Secretary And Assistant Secretary – Ministry Of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/147/2018/R (English) Susantha Kumara Vs. Director - Board of Legal Service Sri Lanka Army. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/376/2015(S) (English) Y. Sunetra Senarath Vs. Divisional Secretary - Nuwaragam Palatha Central Divisional Secretariat And Pension Officer – Pension Division Nuwaragam Palatha Central Divisional Secretariat. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2213/16 (English) P.V.P Darshani Vs. Chairman - Coconut Development Authority பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/657/18/-A (English) P.R. Lokugalappaththi Vs. The Principal - Kingswood College Kandy. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3620/17 (English) B. Sriyawathi Vs. Director – Department of Education Western Province & Principal -Sri Sangamiththa Girl's College Colombo பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/Ap/476/2015/(W) (English) T. D. Amugoda Vs. Divisional Secretary - Divisional Secretariat Rabewa பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/845/17 (English) Y.G.A. Karunarathna, R.M.P.W.V. Kumara And A.G. Kariyawasam Vs. Director General – National Youth Service Council, Director General – Department of Management Service And Secretary - National Salaries and Cadre Commission. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/120/2018(S) (English) G.A.T.M. De Silva Vs. B.D.G.S. Dharmakeerthi Inspector of Police – Officer In Charge of Crime Division at Headquarters Police Mathale, W.M.N. Wanigasekara Inspector of Police Suriyapura Police Station (Current), S.P.M. Thilakawardhana Sub Inspector Of Police – police station Mathale, N.G. Premasiri Police Sergeant 8804 - Headquarters Police Mathale, S.G.D. Anasly Reman Police Sergeant 59162 – Police Station Mankulam, W.G. Disanayake Police Sergeant 19259- Headquarters Police Mathale, And Munasinghe Police Constable 35966 – Police Station Puliyankulama. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2901/19 (English) Sacred Heart Convent-Muslims Children's Parents Forum Vs. Education Secretary - Southern Provincial Ministry Of Education, Principal Sister- Sacred Heart Convent Galle And Assistant Director Of Education, Zonal Education Office, Galle. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2785/17 (English) D.H.P. Kaushalya Vs. Officer In Charge of Meetiyagoda Police Station And Greshan Sub Inspector of Police – Police Station Meetiyagoda பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KL/136, HRC/KL/1126/19 (English) M.B.M. Siraj Vs. Director General – Department of Technical Education And Training பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/4625/12 (English) W.S.M.L. Kumara Vs Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy - Sri Lanka Navy பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2826/19 (English) S. Wasantha De Silva Chairman – Sri Lanka Council of Visually Handicapped Graduates Vs. Governor - Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Chairman - National Savings Bank, Chairman - People’s Bank And பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2499/19 (English) V. Subramaniam Vs. Governor - Central Bank of Sri Lanka பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/03/18 HRC/AM/03/18 (English) H.M.P.N. Herath Vs. Postmaster General - Postal Head Quarters Colombo. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/446/2017(W) (English) A.M. Bandamma Vs. Eastern District Engineer - Office of the District Engineer Sri Lanka Railways Trincomalee, General Manager of Railways (Control) Railway Headquarters And Director General – Department of Pension. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2011/12/I-19 (English) W.P. Nilantha Vs. Commander of the Sri Lanka Army – Sri Lanka Army. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3852/14 (English) M. Jayarathne Vs. Commissioner of Cooperative Development - Department Of Western Province Cooperative Development And Chairman - Si/S Kolonnawa Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Ltd. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1004/14 (English) K.G.P. Fernando Vs. Chairperson – Sri Lanka Insurance Corporation. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/68/2018(S), HRC/AP/237/2018 (English) C.U. Kappagoda & C.J. Vijayasundara Vs. The Principal Anuradhapura Central College And Director (National School) Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/110/2020 (English) B.H.S. Kumara Vs. The Principal - Richmond College Galle. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3220/16 (English) U. D. Chathuranga Vs. The Principal - D.S. Senanayaka Collage Colombo And Secretary - Ministry Of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/166/15 (English) B.W.D.M.R. Dharmakeerthi Vs. Provincial Director Of Education - Central Provincial Education Department, Education Secretary of Central Provincial - Central Provincial Ministry Of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/87/20 (English) T.R.T. Samarathunga Vs. The Principal - Kegalu Vidyalaya Kegalle. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1321/15 (English) K.K. W. L. Wimalasiri Vs. Sub Inspector of Police D.W. Sirimanna – Officer In Charge of Crime Division Police Station Ambalangoda And Mahinda Willowaarachchi Headquarters Inspector of Police – Officer In Charge Of Police Station Ambalangoda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/515/2017 (English) T.M.N.C. Piyarathna On Behalf of T.M.P.L. Piyarathna Vs. D. Deepal Officer in Charge of Police Station Giribawa, P. Aberathna - Sub Inspector Of Police - Police Station Giribawa & S.W. Senarathna Police Constable 5926 - Police Station Galgamuwa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/417/19 (English) H.T. Tharanga Vs. The Principal – Visakha Balika Vidyalaya – Colombo, S.M. Keerthirathna – Chairman Appeal and Objection Board (Principal - Ananda College) & Director – National School Unit – Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/5069/16 (English) M.Sunil Abedheera Vs. Divisional Secretary-Divisional Secretariat Ruwanwella & Chairman Pradeshiya Sabhawa Ruwanwella. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3398/07 (English) R. Karunanithy Vs. Registrar General - Registrar General’s Office Battaramulla. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/76/18 (English) D.N.S. De Silva Vs. W.F.U. Fernando Senior Deputy Inspector General Of Police - Office of the Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Southern Province-Matara (Current Address Police Headquarters Colombo) Thilak Ranjith Inspector Of Police Senior Deputy Inspector General of Police Southern Province Matara. & Inspector General of Police Sri Lanka Police Department. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1565/18 (English) L.M.A.M. Lankadhikara Vs. A.P D. Weerasekara Superintendent of Police Badulla, B.A.D. Balasuriya – Officer In Charge of Police Station Lunugala, Roshan Rajapaksha - Assistant Superintendent Of Police, District II – Badulla, Inspector Of Police G.D. Rathanapala Officer In Charge of Police Station Madolsima And Senior Deputy Inspector General Of Police Badulla. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KL/55/15 (English) The Group Of Affected Employees - National Water Supply And Drainage Board Regional Office Akkaraipattu. Vs. The General Manager And The Additional General Manager - National Water Supply & Drainage Board, The Regional Manager- National Water Supply And Drainage Board Regional Office Akkaraipattu. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/60/11 (English) K.M.Susantha Ranjith Vs. Lalith Gamage District Forest Officer - District Forest Office Anuradhapura And Director General of Department of Forests, Divisional Sectary of Damana. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3267/17 (English) W.M.P.C. Warnasooriya & Others Vs. Sectary - Ministry Of Labour Professional Relations And Sabaragamuwa Development And Commissioner General of Labour - Department Of Labour. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/462/19/A (English) L.P.D.N.T. Dias Vs. Superintendent of Medical – Base Hospital Karawanella, District Medical Officer - Deraniyagala District Hospital, District Director of Health Service – Kegalle, Provincial Director of Health Service (Sabaragamuwa Province) And Secretary – Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medicine Sabaragamuwa Province. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/97/19 (English) M.R.L. Jinadasa Vs. The Principal,Chairman - Interview Board And Chairman - Appellate Review Committee Sirimavo Bandaranayaka College Colombo. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3346/16 (English) B.H.A.H.G. Mathurata Vs. Secretary - Ministry of Finance, Inspector General of Police – Sri Lanka Police Departments & Secretary - Ministry of Defence. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/4408/15 (English) S.D.M. Priyantha Vs. Officer- in Charge of Police Station Payagala. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/618/21 (English) P.A.M. Wijesekara Vs. Commander of the Sri Lanka Air Force, Director (Health Services) And Air Commodore Sureka Dias - Director (Legal) - Sri Lanka Air Force. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1642/18 (English) S.G. Somawathi Vs. Director (Govi Vishrama Watup ගොවි විශ්‍රාම වැටුප්) And Director General / Secretary -Ministry of Agriculture. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1958/16 (English) J.P. Hindil Vs. Officer –In – Charge of Police Station Mawathagama & Rajapaksha Sub Inspector of Police - Miscellaneous Complaints Section Police Station Mawathagama. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3447/16 (English) W.I. Mihirani On Behalf of W. A. Dushantha & P.L.C. Krishanthi Vs. Mahinda Willoaraachchi Chief Inspector Of Police, Balendra Sub Inspector Of Police Officer-In-Charge - Crime Division Ambalangoda Police Station, Maduranga, Sub Inspector of Police, Tharanga Police Constable 72995 & Rangana Police Constable 3011, Sadaruwan Police Constable 69864 - Police Station Ambalangoda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/715/15 (English) N.G.S.M. Rathnayaka Vs. Officer- In-Charge Of Police Station Moratumulla, Officer- In-Charge Of Crime Branch, N.J.T. Fernando Police Sergeant 31852 And S.B. Samarakoon Police Constable 84599 - Police Station Moratumulla. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3084/18 (English) I.K.S. Karunanayaka, W.D.T. Ayesha & U.L.D. Chathurika Vs. The Principal - Royal College Horana, Director - National School & Secretary -Ministry Of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/665/2013 (English) R.N.T.A. Rathnayaka Vs. Registrar-Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/195/18 (English) R.A. Priyantha Vs. The Principal Ferguson National School – Rathnapura, Director of National School & Secretary - Ministry Of Education, Rohana Gamage (Appeals For Admission Of Children For The Year 2018 Chairman Of the Committee), Dehiowita National School. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AM/70/16 (English) H.D. Premarathna Vs. Secretary - Provincial Ministry Of Education -Eastern Province, Zonal Education Director Ampara, Secretary - School Development Committee And Secretary - Alumni Association - Kawanthissa Maha Vidyalaya Ampara. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/112/20 (English) S.A.C.S. Gunarathna Vs. The Principal Ananda College Colombo & Director (Primary Section) - Ministry of Education. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2953/16 (English) T.A.A. Rajakaruna Vs. Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy, Commandant Volunteer Naval Force Headquarters Welisara And Commodore I.R. Premarathna - Navy Headquarters. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2927/17 (English) H.M.G.N.K. Kaluhendiwela Vs. Commissioner General of Agrarian Development - Department of Agrarian Development, Agrarian Development Officer - Agrarian Service Centre Matale & Agri Research & Agri Production Assistant - E 327, Aluvihara Kottashaya –Agrarian Service Centre Mathale. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2927/17 (English) H.M.G.N.K. Kaluhendiwela Vs. Commissioner General of Agrarian Development - Department of Agrarian Development, Agrarian Development Officer - Agrarian Service Centre Matale & Agri Research & Agri Production Assistant - E 327, Aluvihara Kottashaya –Agrarian Service Centre Mathale. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3794/19 (English) P.G.R.C.A. Gamlath Vs. Inspector General Of Police – Sri Lanka Police & Director General - Department Of Trade And Investment Policies – Ministry Of Finance. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/412/2014 (English) L.B. Rajakaruna Vs. Director General - Department of Pensions, District Secretariat - District Secretariat Anuradhapura, Divisional Secretariat Epalogama & Secretary - Ministry Of Public Administration & Home Affairs. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/492/20/I (English) H.P. Gunawardhana, S.K. Samarakooan & J. Wewagedara Vs. Director General - Department of Management Services And Director General - National Cooperative Development Institute. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/2901/19 (English) Sacred Heart Convent-Muslims Children's Parents Forum Vs. Education Secretary - Southern Provincial Ministry Of Education, Principal Sister- Sacred Heart Convent Galle And Assistant Director Of Education, Zonal Education Office Galle. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KL/136 And HRC/KL/1126/19 (English) M.B.M. Siraj Vs. Director General – Department of Technical Education And Training பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KL/55/15 (English) The Group Of Affected Employees - National Water Supply And Drainage Board Regional Office Akkaraipattu. Vs. The General Manager -National Water Supply And Drainage Board, The Additional General Manager- National Water Supply And Drainage Board & The Regional Manager-National Water Supply And Drainage Board Regional Office Akkaraipattu. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1120/19 (English) A.H.F. Hanifa Vs. Officer- in Charge of Police Station, Bandaragama. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/MT/355/17 பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/284/15 (English) W.S. Bandara On Behalf of W.T. Madhusnaka Vs. Premasiri Liyanagama- Sub-Inspector of Police Sampath 79111 Police Constable, Ajith- Police Constable & G.A.B.D. Bandara 13054 Police Constable - Police Station Ebilipitiya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/KL/84/17 (English) S.M. Ishaq & Others Vs. A.M.M. Najeeb Officer In – Charge Police Station Chawalakadai, M.A. Faseel Police Sergeant 24908 H.W.R. Dharshana Sub –Inspector of Police & R.K.G.T.S. Thusara Police Constable 66116 - Police Station Chawalakadai. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1120/19 (English) A.H.F. Hanifa Vs. Officer- in Charge of Police Station Bandaragama. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/537/15 (English) W.A.P. Wanniarachchi On Behalf of W.A.P. Wanniarachchi & N. Wanniarachchi Vs. Officer In Charge of Crime Division - Police Station Thanamalwila And Udayanga Inspector Of Police – Police Station Thanamalwila. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1930/15 (English) W.M. Abekoon Vs. R.P.U.A Rajapaksha Sub-Inspector of Police, H.T. G. Premathilaka Sub-Inspector of Police, Pushpakumara Police Constable 37324, B.A.A.P. Bamunusinghe Inspector of Police - Police Station Kuruwita & Officer –In – Charge of Police Station Kuruwita. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1958/16 (English) J.P. Hindil Vs. Officer –In – Charge of Police Station Mawathagama & Rajapaksha Sub Inspector - Miscellaneous Complaints Section Police Station Mawathagama. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3447/16 (English) W.I. Mihirani On Behalf of W. A. Dushantha & P.L.C. Krishanthi Vs. Mahinda Willoaraachchi Chief Inspector Of Police, Balendra Sub Inspector Of Police Officer-In-Charge - Crime Division Ambalangoda Police Station, Maduranga, Sub Inspector of Police, Tharanga Police Constable 72995 & Rangana Police Constable 3011, Sadaruwan Police Constable 69864 - Police Station Ambalangoda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2112/17 (English) G.L. Pathmasiri Vs. Asela Sub-Inspector of Police Crime Branch & Officer- In-Charge Of Police Station Weliweriya. பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(සිංහල) HRC/2901/19 (සිංහල) ශ්‍රී හෘදය කන්‍යාරාමය විදුහලේ මුස්ලිම් දරුවන්ගේ දෙමාපියන්ගේ සංසදය එදිරිව අධ්‍යාපන ලේකම් - දකුණු පළාත් අධ්‍යාපන අමාත්‍යාංශය, විදුහල්පති කන්‍යා සොයුරිය- ශ්‍රී හෘදය කන්‍යාරාමය විදුහල, සහකාර අධ්‍යාපන අධ්‍යක්ෂ, කලාප අධ්‍යාපන කාර්යාලය, ගාල්ල. பதிவிறக்க

Recommendations Issued in (English) 2020

(English) Freedom from torture.
11. No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/AP/535/17(S) (English) D.P. Liyanage Vs. N.W.A. Jayantha – Principal Central College Rabeewa And P.H.B. Upuldeniya – Teacher – Central College Rabeewa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/130/SUOMOTU/18 (English) W.D. Premalatha & B.D.H.I. Imasha Vs. Principal CP/Koth/Nayapana Maha Vidyalaya, Zonal Education Director - Zonal Education Office Kothmale And E. Naghawaththa Teacher (Physical Education) – CP/Koth /Nayapana Maha Vidayalaya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2501/17 & HRC/2503/17 (English) K.N. Wijesooriya & A.G.D.S.K. Wijesinha Vs. Atapatthu - Sub Inspector of Police And Officer in Charge – Police Station Eheliyagoda. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2304/18 (English) K.P.K. De Silva Vs. Samarathunga - Police Constable 55271, Gamage - Sub Inspector of Police And Officer in Charge – Police Station Moronthuduwa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/384/2016(S) (English) E.P. Sriyani On Behalf of E.P.I.N Karunarathna Vs. Ananda - Inspector of Police And M.K.A. Bandara –Headquarters Police Station –Anuradhapura. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1925/13 (English) R.A. L. Ranasinghe Vs. W.B. Wimalasena – Former Principal - Buthpitiya Maha Vidyalaya And Zonal Director of Education – Zonal Education Office Kelaniya. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/473/14 (English) K.D.A.J. Chaminda & H.R. Premakumara Vs. Inspector of Police A.M.U.R.R. Jayatissa, Sub Inspector of Police A.W.M.N.R. Jayawaradhana – Police Station Anuradhapuraya , Police Sergeant 6956 W.A.S. Bandara – Police Station Thirappane Police Constable 35899 D.D.Dramadasa – Police Station Palali, Police Constable 34659 A.M. Kumarasinha-Police station Vavniya, Police Constable 16127 K.S. Podikumara – Police Station Murukkan, Police Constable 48496 D.M.A. Disanayaka Police Station- Anuradhapuraya Police Constable 53585 K.G.R.H. Senarathna Police Station Mihinthalaya And Police Constable 61992 D.E. Dhanapala Police Station Morawewa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/K/30/11 (English) M.G.G. Wijekumara Vs. Officer in Charge - Police Station Wilgamuwa, Police Constable 86057 P.P.A.L.M. Perera And Civil Security Force 21567 Dissanayake – Police Station Wilagamuwa. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/887/15 (English) B. Renuka VS Inspector of Police Renuka, Inspector of Police Bandara, Police Constable 29561 Rupasinghe, Police Constable 69714 Jayathunga, Police Constable 81014 Sandaruwan And Police Constable Driver Rupasinghe - Police Station Maradana பதிவிறக்க

(English) Right to equality
12. (1) All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law.

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/2314/15 (English) D.K.P. Dasanayaka VS Commander of The Sri Lanka Navy - Navy Headquarters And Secretary Ministry of Defence பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2763/19 (English) Z.K.F. Mafaza Vs. The Principal – Royal College Colombo பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/887/15 (English) B. Renuka VS Inspector of Police Renuka, Inspector of Police Bandara, Police Constable 29561 Bandara, Police Constable 69714 Jayathunga, Police Constable 81014 Sandaruwan And Police Constable Driver 14572 Rupasinghe - Police Station Maradana பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/639/17 (English) D.M. Gnanawathi VS Superintendent of Police S. Galagamage – Director of Supply - Police Headquarters, Chief Inspector of Police S.K.D. De Silva - Officer in Charge Police Station Mulathivu And Sub Inspector of Police Jinadasa – Police Station Galaha பதிவிறக்க

(English) Freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention and punishment, and prohibition of retroactive penal legislation.
13. (1) No person shall be arrested except according to procedure established by law. Any person arrested shall be informed of the reason for his arrest.

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/3767/15 (English) R.M.S. Kumaran VS Sub Inspector of Police Liyanaarachchi , Police Constable 73036 Indika And Police Constable 75707 Bandara – Police Station Kohuwala பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/BD/52/15 (English) H.M.A.S. Karunarathna Vs Assistant Superintendent of Police Y. Gamage , Inspector of Police Chaminda, Sub Inspector of Police Gunasekara And Police Constable 27576 Withanaarachchi – Police Station Kaluthara North பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/4347/16 (English) M.S.M.Riyas, M.S.M.Ajmeer, M.S.M.Nawas Vs Inspector of police K.R.A.Priyantha, Police Station – Kuliyapitiya பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/V/025/2019 (English) F.J. Sivaraj VS. Chief Inspector of Police S. Perera And Inspector of Police D.A.K. Dangalla - Headquarters Police Station Vavuniya பதிவிறக்க

(English) Freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention and punishment, and prohibition of retroactive penal legislation.
13 (2) Every person held in custody, detained or otherwise deprived of personal liberty shall be brought before the judge of the nearest competent court according to procedure established by law, and shall not be further held in custody, detained or deprived of personal liberty except upon and in terms of the order of such judge made in accordance with procedure established by law.

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/3651/11 HRC/3660/11 (English) C. Nisansala & W. Kalpage On Behalf of B.P. Kottage Vs HQ Inspector of Police, Police Station Mirihana And Sub Inspector of Police Wickramasinghe – Officer In Charge Crime Division Police Station Mirihana பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/3767/15 (English) R.M.S. Kumaran VS Sub Inspector of Police Liyanaarachchi , Police Constable 73036 Indika And Police Constable 75707 Bandara – Police Station Kohuwala பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/887/15 (English) B. Renuka VS Inspector of Police Renuka, Inspector of Police Bandara, Police Constable 29561 Rupasinghe, Police Constable 69714 Jayathunga, Police Constable 81014 Sandaruwan And Police Constable Driver Rupasinghe - Police Station Maradana பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/2404/2018 (English) Akhri Ameer Vs. Faiszer Mustapha – Minister of Sports (Former) And H.M.D.P. Herath – Director General Departments of Sports Development பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/2314/15 (English) D.K.P. Dasanayaka VS Commander of Sri Lanka Navy - Navy Headquarters And Secretary Ministry of Defence பதிவிறக்க

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/2314/15 (English) D.K.P. Dasanayaka VS Commander of The Sri Lanka Navy - Navy Headquarters And Secretary Ministry of Defence பதிவிறக்க

Recommendations Issued in (English) 2019

(English) Freedom of thought, conscience and religion.
10. Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/TCO/27/18 (English) Ms. F.F. Rameez, Ms. S.B.M. Fazal, Ms. S.M. Safeez And Ms. R. Roshan Vs. Principal – Tri/Sri Shanmugam Hindu Ladies College Tricomalee, Zonal Director of Education- Zonal Department of Education, Provincial Director of Education –Department of Provincial Education Trincomalee And Secretary – Ministry of Education பதிவிறக்க

(English) Freedom from torture.
11. No person shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

வழக்கு எண் புகார் மற்றும் பதிலளிப்பவர் சிங்களம் தமிழ் ஆங்கிலம்
(English) HRC/398/15 And HRC/1149/15 (English) W. J. Anthony Vs. Police Constable 12222 Wasantha, Police Constable 46120 Chandana, Police Station Yatiyanthota And Officer-in-Charge of Police Station Yatiyanthota பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/AP/288/14 (English) W.W.R.S.Jayawardena, On Behalf W.M.I.S. Kumara Vs. H.H.S.R.K. De Silva-Superintendent of Police - Police Headquarters Anuradhapura, Police Sergeant 57360 U. Dissanayaka – Police Station Galenbindunuwewa, Police Constable 51602 G.M.N. Hearth - Police Station Mihinthalaya, E.G.A.D. Kumara – Police Station Habarana, Police Constable 69016 A.M.A.K. Abesingha – Police Station Minneriya, Police Constable 48270 H.B.S.N. Kumara- Police Station Anuradapuraya, Police Constable 68494 T.M.R.S. Tennakoon-Police Station Welikanda, Police Constable 32236 K.M.W.B. Kirawella - Police Station Anuradhapura, Police Constable 32211 M.C.S. Dissanayaka -Police Station Anuradhapura, Police Constable 33913 P.B.U. Senarathna- Police Station Kahatagasdigiliya, Police Constable 34416 D.M.N.K. Dissanayaka – Police Station Kekirawa, Police Sergeant 48319 H.M.A. Hearth –Police Station Vavuniya And Police Sergeant 26852 S. Wijesingha - Police Check Point Mannar. பதிவிறக்க
(English) HRC/1317/15/I-iii