In 2016, the Human Rights Commission established a series of Thematic Sub-Committees focusing on issues and communities that have suffered historical and systemic discrimination and marginalization. These Sub-Committees, which are chaired by Commissioners, consist of members of civil society organisations, activists, experts and academics.
The Terms of Reference of the sub-committees are:
“To review legislation, policies and official practices pertaining to each theme in order to make recommendations to the Commission on the policy interventions to be made to the Government of Sri Lanka pursuant to its mandate under Section 10 of the HRCSL Act no 21 of 1996. Further, the Sub-Committees are expected to advise the Commission on the respective themes in regard to making necessary representations to international human rights mechanisms.”
The Sub-Committee meetings are conducted periodically during which members share their opinions, suggestions and insights on existing national legislation and regulations concerning their specific thematic area, thus equipping the Commission to discharge its obligation of making recommendations to the government on national policies and practices regarding each of these thematic areas.